

Excursion of about 6 hours, ideal to enjoy in the company of family and friends.
The Master Chef Paella Experience includes: 
Stop with an hour of free time in Santa Gertrudis, so you can enjoy the small village that is the geographical heart of the island. We recommend you a visit to Can Costa, the bar of the “jamón serrano” (ham ) sandwiches, a mandatory stop for any visit to our beloved Ibiza.
Then we will go to Es Caliu Restaurant, where you will be accommodated in the fantastic outdoor garden and, sitting in the shade and with the smell of the orange trees, the chef will start preparing that typical Spanish paella with you & your help.
When finished preparing it, they will accommodate us and we will get ready to taste one of the favorite dishes of most of the inhabitants of this island.
Menu :
Bread with homemade ali-oli and Olives
Mixed salad from the organic garden
Mixed Paella ( meat and fish) of the show cooking
Flaó Ibicenco or Greixonera
Price - € 98


Discover Formentera with total freedom and with the speed and lightness that a motorcycle offers.
Shuttle bus service, between the port of Marina Botafoch (where the cruise ships arrive) and the port of Ibiza center (from where all regular boats leave to Formentera)
Open ticket of the fast ferry between Ibiza and Formentera, (allowing you to choose the most convenient time to travel, without having to book before)
Rent a 50cc motorbike for the whole day, for 2 people
Map with the obligatory stops and recommendations with the most charming places to discover
Low Season Adult 65€ Child (4-13) 48€
High Season(29/7 – 25/8) Adult 78€ Child (4-13) 60€


This day gives offers the chance to discover Formentera in a very comfortable way and at your own pace, without the stress of traffic or parking problems.
Shuttle bus service, between the port of Marina Botafoch (where the cruise ships arrive) and the port of Ibiza center (from where all regular boats leave to Formentera)
Open ticket of the fast ferry between Ibiza and Formentera, (allowing you to choose the most convenient time to travel, without having to book before)
Formentera Bus Circuit ticket
It includes 2 stops in two of the paradisiacal beaches of Formentera, the beach of Illetes and the beach of the town of Es Pujols (where you can choose a place to eat)
Connections between beaches and port every 30 minutes
Agility and comfort so you just to worry about enjoying the smallest of our islands.
Adults price € 69
Children € 69


This excursion day will give you the chance to discover Formentera with total autonomy and freedom and at the same time, practising some sport. 

Shuttle bus service, between the port of Marina Botafoch (where the cruise ships arrive) and the port of Ibiza center (from where all regular boats leave to Formentera)
Open ticket of the fast ferry between Ibiza and Formentera, (allowing you to choose the most convenient time to travel, without having to book before)
Rent a bicycle for the whole day
We will give you a map of the islands with the most charming places to discover.
Low Season Adult 62€ Child(4-13) 45€
High Season (27/7-25/8) Adult 75€ Child(4-13) 58€

Live the ibiza sunset

The village of San Antonio de Portmany, the Portus Magnus baptized by the Romans, is located to the east of Ibiza, and we guess it doesn´t need presentation. Known worldwide, with its 3-kilometer walkway by the sea, its views, its colors and entertainment, the bars, the harbor ... the best place in the world for many of us to enjoy of a fantastic sunset while we´re having the apperitive.
Take advantage of this excursion and enjoy your time to the maximum, with no need to look for a place to park the car, free to have a couple of drinks if you want to, without fear of having to drive back.
We offer departure from the port of Ibiza.
Departure hours of the excursion may vary according to the season of the year, according with the sunset.
Can vary between 19:00 and 18:00, the return from 21.30 pprox. Confirm when booking your place.
On the way back, stop in Ibiza center if you are interested in visiting it. Those who stop by the city can take advantage of a special discount for the "Port bus" to come back to your boat
Adults price € 21
Children up to 12 years 11 €

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Fly e Vai & K-lenda

Mapa de Formentera


Mapa de Ibiza

Mapa Ibiza Flyevai